Setup p0 on your on-prem server on Amazon AWS

Welcome to the on-premise installation instructions for p0 on AWS. Follow this guide to get set up with your own version of p0.

  1. Go to AWS Console:

  2. Login

  3. Select the Region of your installation.

  4. Go to EC2 —> Instances —> Launch New Instance

  5. Give your instance a Name: p0-platform

  6. Select “Browse more AMIs”

  1. Click on “Community AMIs”

  2. Search for p0-visibility-dashboard

  1. Click Select

  2. You can select the following instance type:

    1. t2.xlarge (4 CPUs and 16 GiB memory)

  3. Take note of the key pair (or create a new one). You can use this to SSH into the box later.

  1. In Network Settings you can create a new SecurityGroup or re-use an old one. Just make sure that

    1. You can SSH into the server

    2. The server can make requests to any of the public facing domains that you want to see are reachable / have API endpoints behind them

    3. You can access the instance's IP from your browser

  2. Go to Configure Storage

    1. This depends on the number of repositories that you have, but we recommend you start with 100GB of disk space. We need enough disk space to check out your organization’s repositories.

  1. Then press Launch Instance

  2. Wait a few minutes. The instance will launch and you will see the below status for your EC2 Instance.

  1. Visit the IP address.

  2. Initially you will see the below as the P0 service comes up. Just wait for 5 minutes and re-visit the IP.

  1. When you visit you should see the below. Follow the steps in the product for the rest of onboarding.

Contact us

If you are facing any trouble setting up your on-prem application, reach out to us at contact[at]p0[dot]inc

Contact us

If you are facing any trouble setting up your on-prem application, reach out to us at contact[at]p0[dot]inc

Contact us

If you are facing any trouble setting up your on-prem application, reach out to us at contact[at]p0[dot]inc

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