Setup version control system

We take data security very seriously. Your code will sit on your premises and go to a model that you control, sitting in your cloud.

  1. The Personal Access Token (PAT) allows p0 to access the repositories in your organization that we will run the scan on. As the P0 process is running in your cloud, no code leaves your premises and you can set policies around egress to ensure this.

  2. Your organization must allow Personal Access Tokens (Classic) as this type of token allows us to clone all of the repository code.

  3. Go to this link. Select repo so that we can access all repositories.

  4. Click Generate Token and paste the token below.

  1. The Personal Access Token (PAT) allows P0 to access the repositories in your organization that we will run the scan on. As the P0 process is running in your cloud, no code leaves your premises and you can set policies around egress to ensure this.

  2. If you are using cloud gitlab, click on this link and click on Add new token

    1. We ask for the api, read_repository, and read_api access.

  3. If you are using self hosted gitlab, replace <YOUR_GITLAB_URL> below and click on Add new token :

    1. https://<YOUR_GITLAB_URL>/-/user_settings/personal_access_tokens?name=p0-access&scopes=read_api

  1. The Username and App Password allows P0 to access the repositories in your organization that we will run the scan on. As the P0 process is running in your cloud, no code leaves your premises and you can set policies around egress to ensure this.

  2. Go to this link:

  3. Click on Create app password

  4. In the Label field, enter a name for your app password (e.g., "p0-access").

  5. Under Permissions, select the following:

    1. Account: Email, Read

    2. Workspace membership: Read

    3. Projects: Read

    4. Repositories: Read

  6. Click Create to generate the app password.

  7. Copy the generated app password and paste it where required.

Contact us

If you are facing any trouble setting up your on-prem application, reach out to us at contact[at]p0[dot]inc

Contact us

If you are facing any trouble setting up your on-prem application, reach out to us at contact[at]p0[dot]inc

Contact us

If you are facing any trouble setting up your on-prem application, reach out to us at contact[at]p0[dot]inc

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